Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance

mental health

Sad man with a beard and beanie looking out a window

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

In October 2020 CCHA in partnership with MacEwan Nurs 424 students conducted a Mental Health survey for Canadians living with CHD. The survey results indicated that an astonishing 88% of adults living with CHD said they had experienced mental health challenges at some point.

As a result, CCHA has compiled a list of mental health resources across Canada, they can be accessed at



Scrabble tiles with letters spelling Mental Health

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

Congenital heart disease affects over 257,000 Canadians. Many experience mental health issues living with their CHD.

CCHA conducted a Mental Health survey* in October of 2020. We received 66 responses from across Canada.

88% of adults living with #CHD have experienced mental health challenges at some point.

75% of those living with CHD have discussed mental health concerns with a healthcare professional. Only 41% have been referred for mental health services by those same providers or another healthcare provider?

46% of those living with CHD don’t feel like...

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Check out how congenital heart disease stacks up against better recognized diseases in Canada! So many affected and so little awareness and funding! Get involved with CCHA, donate, and spread the word about the growing population of of "survivors" so that we can get the care and support we need to live long, healthy lives!


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