Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance

ACHD Travel Directory

This publication is intended to help patients find emergency adult congenital heart care when travelling. It lists the clinic name, city, province/state, and phone number, as well as the names of the medical directors, of more than 100 North American Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) programs. It also includes programs located around the world.

For the online clinic directory of adult congenital heart disease clinics in the U.S. and Canada please click HERE. It is also available for purchase ($45 U.S.) - click HERE for more information.

Thank you to the Adult Congenital Heart Association ( for publishing such a useful resource!

Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society Data Center
The Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society Data Center takes pride in their research and it would not be possible without the annual participation of the patients and families enrolled in their studies. Please click on the banner to be part of their team and to join their community.


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